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Police reminding drivers to slow their roll

The Lethbridge Police Service is reminding motorists to slow down, pay attention to the road and always obey the posted speed limit to help keep everyone safe.

During April, law enforcement agencies throughout Alberta are focusing on speed violations and aggressive driving. As part of those efforts, LPS has partnered with the local #SlowYourRoll campaign to drive home the message.

#SlowYourRoll was founded by Chris DiPasquale in 2020 to get drivers to slow down, drive safely and be aware of children playing following the tragic death of 10-year-old Charles McIntyre, who was struck by a vehicle and killed while crossing in a crosswalk with his father and brother. The driver responsible was convicted of careless driving.

High visibility lawn signs, decals and other merchandise is available for sale to raise money for the Charles McIntyre Fund, which supports children through YMCA programs.

In support of the campaign and to remind drivers to slow down, LPS photo radar operators will display the signs when they are monitoring playground zones.

“We’re urging all drivers to slow down and always pay attention to the road,” said Sgt. Danny Lomness with the Traffic Response Unit. “In Alberta, nearly one in four fatal collisions involves drivers traveling at excessive speeds. By slowing down, the extra few seconds it takes to get to your destination could mean the difference between life and death.”

With the weather warming up, more children will be playing outside and drivers are reminded to be aware of youngsters in front yards, on sidewalks, at parks and crossing the street.

The speed limit in all harmonized playground zones throughout the city is 30 km/h and remains in effect daily, all-year round from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Driver are urged to watch out for pedestrians crossing in both marked and implied crosswalks. Police are also asking pedestrians to always ensure they look both ways before stepping out on the roadway and activate pedestrian crossing signals whenever possible.

The maximum speed limit in the city, unless otherwise posted, is 50 km/h – in ideal conditions. During inclement weather or when road conditions or visibility is poor, speeds should always be adjusted. In construction zones, drivers must follow the posted limit and when workers are present speed fines are doubled. When passing emergency vehicles with their lights flashing, drivers in the adjacent lane must slow down to 60 km/h, or less if the posted limit is lower.

For more information about the #SlowYourRoll campaign or to purchase a lawn sign, visit


Lethbridge Police Service
135 1 Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0A1

Non-Emergency Phone: 403-328-4444
General Inquiries Phone: 403-327-2210
Email: General Inquiries
(not monitored 24/7)

Hours for public access:
Monday to Friday - 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Closed weekends and statutory holidays



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