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Missing Persons Reporting

You do not have to wait a set time to file a missing persons report (eg. 24 hours, 48 hours, etc.).
Anyone can report a missing person.

The impact of missing persons can be life-changing for families, friends and communities. 

Those in an individual’s social circle, such as family, friends and coworkers, tend to be the first to notice when regular routines and patterns have changed. A key factor police use to determine if a person is missing or not is whether this is out-of-character or unusual for that individual.

If you believe a Lethbridge resident is missing, call the Lethbridge Police Service (LPS) immediately. Your report will be taken seriously, and the investigation will start without delay. LPS is committed to ensuring that every report of a missing person is addressed in a timely and sensitive manner. 

Reporting a Missing Person

If you are concerned for a missing person's immediate safety, call 9-1-1 immediately.

If you do not believe the missing person is in imminent danger, call the non-emergency line at 403-328-4444.

If you are a caseworker or group home representative, see the Group Home Missing Youth webpage.

When you report a person missing, investigators will ask you for:

Finding the missing person safe and well is our primary concern. To guide the investigation and to help locate the missing person, an officer will ask questions about:

  • their physical description (including what they were wearing at the time they went missing)
  • when and where they were last seen
  • any vehicle they may be driving
  • where they work and live
  • their physical and mental health or emotional state
  • any other information that might be needed to aid our investigators

You and/or the missing person's family will be asked to provide a photograph of the missing person. The photograph may be used in a media release, social media posts and shared with the media to bring attention to the missing person.

Please note that the public release of the photograph will occur only after consideration has been given to privacy concerns, the safety of the missing person, and investigation requirements.

When a missing person is located, their photograph will be removed from the LPS website and social media platforms.

How to Assist in Locating a Missing Person

If you have any information about a missing person, call the LPS non-emergency number at 403-328-4444 or contact or Crime Stoppers to submit information anonymously.

You can also assist the investigation by:

  • checking with family members and friends of the missing person to make sure they have not made other arrangements
  • checking with local hospitals
  • checking with the school/employer of the missing person
  • checking places that the person frequents
  • checking their social media accounts and those of their friends and associates
  • updating the police if you obtain new information that could assist the investigation

Support for Family and Friends

Visit the following websites for information on missing persons across Canada and to access resources for families and friends of missing persons:

For information about missing person cases in Lethbridge, see the Missing Persons news page.

Join Our Team

We are always looking for ethical, brave, committed, and hard-working individuals to to serve our diverse and vibrant community. 

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